“Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper.” (Psalm 122:6)
Today, there are Arabs rioting in East Jerusalem as more rockets are being fired into Israel from Gaza.
Chaim, one of the Bibles For Israel staff, found himself in the midst of it.
“The balcony door was fully open at our ministry offices in the Jerusalem hills and in a split second I jumped up as the piercing sound of the Sirens sent shivers down my spine,” he said.
“All of us who were working together in front of our open balcony, looked out into the pitch black sky. The sound of the Sirens were getting louder and louder, and then all of sudden we saw the sky lit up with rockets, and we heard the loudest bomb blast one can imagine.”
Click here to hear a few moments of the Sirens going off that Chaim recorded. (It was recorded at a low volume, so you may have to turn the volume up on your computer to hear what we heard.)
“The vibration went down our spines as we wondered how many more rockets we would see coming towards us. Was another rocket going to come so close to us? What are the probabilities that it would hit our office, would we be killed?” I thought in a split moment, as Avi on the other side of the room shouted, “Let’s go into the bomb shelter, hurry…”
“This time seems much different from a year and a half ago, when the rockets and sirens were going off.
“I must admit, that I was somewhat frightened, especially because I know that we are in the end-times with the signs of the Blood Moons,” Chaim continued.
“But then I remembered what the Word of God says in Psalm 121: “He who watches over Israel, never slumbers nor sleeps.”

Due to its reddish color, a total eclipse of the moon is sometimes referred to as a blood moon. A Blood Moon Tetrad is a consecutive sequence of four lunar eclipses, spaced six months apart. The Tetrad occurring in 2014 and 2015 is rare in that it coincides with the Jewish holidays of Passover and Sukkot. Past Tetrads such as this have signaled key events for the Jewish People and Israel.
These days in which we are living are prophetic days that leading up to Yeshua (Jesus) coming back as the King Messiah to reign in Jerusalem.
Let us not forget that the first of the Blood Moon Tetrad that happened this Passover was just 10 weeks ago, and since then we have seen non-stop “action” which I will mention in a minute. But let’s recap the significance of the Blood Moons.
In 1949, we saw a Blood Moon Tetrad that coincided with the Jewish holidays of Passover and Sukkot. It occurred close to Israel becoming an independent nation and the war that the Arabs launched in response. At the time of the tetrad, the Israeli Knesset (government) was moved to Jerusalem on King George Street, and Prime Minister Ben Gurion declared Jerusalem as the Eternal Capital of Israel.
In 1967, six weeks after the first Blood Moon of a Tetrad coinciding with Passover, the Six Day War began, and Jerusalem was re-united as the Capital of Israel.
And here we are today in 2014, now 10 weeks after the first Blood Moon of a Tetrad coinciding with Passover and Sukkot in both 2014 and 2015.
These are the dramatic events that have followed:
1. Hamas and Fatah uniting as one government
2. Three Jewish teens kidnapped and murdered
3. Arab Riots in Jerusalem and throughout Israel
4. Full scale war with Gaza.
We are living in the End-times!
And these rockets from Gaza are able to make it up here to mountains surrounding the City of Jerusalem, which YHVH (God) calls His own!
More than 160 rockets have been fired since midnight on Monday. Although most have targeted communities in Israel’s south, Color Red warning sirens have been heard as far as Beit Shemesh, Tel Aviv, Bnei Brak, Caesarea, Gush Etzion and here in the Biblical Capital, the City of David, the Holy City of Jerusalem where Yeshua (Jesus) will return soon.
In response to the constant barrage of missiles that have been falling since three Israeli teens were kidnapped on June 12, Israel has launched Operation Protective Edge, targeting missile launching pads and systems, terrorist tunnels, training camps and other terrorist hotspots.
They are firing M-75 rockets based on Iranian technology that can reach Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Please pray for the IDF soldiers who must protect Israelis from this aggression.
“Today, the army is sending letters to us too, calling us up to defend Israel. It’s not just the young Israeli Believers who are age 18-21 soldiers in the army, but they are now calling us up to fight, ones who have already done our army service,” said Avi. “We are the reservists.”
“It’s your average Israeli man, guys in their 20s, 30s and 40s, who are in university, or working, just regular Jewish family men. You could be a teacher, a salesman, a plumber, an accountant, or someone who works for a Messianic ministry . . . just regular guys who have the responsibilities to their wives and children and who want peace for our country.”
The army is calling up Israeli Jewish Believers (Messianic Jews) to defend Israel.
There are hundreds of Jewish Believers in Yeshua who serve in the army, and today we received prayer requests from some of them telling us that they are having tremendous anxiety and fear, so please keep them in your prayers.
Please intercede in prayer for this tiny nation. Every missile launched from Gaza gives Israelis only approximately 15 seconds to reach the safety of a bomb shelter.
With the recent Passover Blood Moon (and three more blood moons to follow: Sukkot in a few months and then at Passover and Sukkot next year) that these are YHVH’s signs in the skies and that it is no coincidence that these things are happening NOW.
Please stand with Samuel, our ministry staff and family, and the young Jewish Believers who are defending this country who have fear.
Let them all know that there are people like you, followers of Yeshua who do stand with Israel.
Read about Nahama and her children, who live next to Gaza:
“Shiri who is 5 years old has been constantly crying, from the constant sounds of the sirens and we have had to go into the bomb shelter constantly over the last two days,” said her mother Nahama who is one of the family members of our ministry staff. Living next to Gaza our home has been shelled, the outside of it is riveted with shrapnel from the rockets, and the children are terrified.”
“We need the moral support from the rest of the world, because I’m not so sure that Israel can handle this alone, we need the rest of the world’s support,” said the mother of three.
In 2005 (nine years ago) Israel uprooted hundreds of Israel citizens from their homes in northern Gaza and gave the Land over to the PLO and the Israeli Army left Gaza in return for Peace, based on the commitment that there would be no rocket attacks on Israel.
The Arabs did not honor their commitment, and since 2005 more than 12,000 rockets have been fired into Israel! Did you hear that number? Yes, 12,000 rockets!
We wish you were here to speak to Israelis such as Nahama. They would tell you how literally thousands of rockets are fired from the fields in Gaza and they have passed over Nahama’s home, who is a family member of one of our ministry staff!
Most of the rockets have detonated in neighboring towns such as Sderot. However, one women on the next street to Nahama was instantly killed when a missile exploded on her porch where she was standing, blowing her up.